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Q2 2024 Collaborations, Connections, and Community Impact
- Connections & Outreach
- Spoke to a delightful group of women at a meeting of PEO Chapter FZ
- Presented an update on programming and our socio-ecological model for the Lawrence Women’s Network
- Held the 1st Annual Sunday Funday with over 100 people playing games, cheering, and laughing
- Shared information about Claire’s Community prevention with the staff at Lawrence Arts Center
- Hosted the Give Back Bash “Boots & Bling” and raised over $49,000 from our generous donors
- Experienced the “What Were You Wearing” exhibit at the Kansas Student Union
- Stop by and see us at the Lawrence Farmers Market, on the 2nd Saturday of each month
- CCC Resource Fair
- Planted seeds (of prevention) at the Watkins Museum Earth Day Fair in South Park
- Met with Brooksie at CASA to discuss possible education opportunities for the adults
- Demonstrated how to fold a “fortune teller” containing red and green flags at the Lawrence Public Library - How-To Festival
- Collaborations
- Ongoing participation with Engage Douglas County, Engaged Adults, Thriving Youth
- Co-presented In Their Shoes with Kansas University student group, Hawks Mind
- Welcomed volunteers from the RISE Group from My Good Life, who stuffed water bottles for the Sunday Funday event, folded brochures, and prepared materials for outreach
- Walked with our float in the Lawrence Pride Parade and provided resources afterward
- Possible collaboration and presenting opportunities with the Douglas County Health Department
- Worked with organizations throughout the state and Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence to create the Kansas State Plan to Prevent Sexual and Domestic Violence
- On Wescoe Beach with Center for Community Outreach (CCO), 1st Wednesday of each month
- Met with High School and Middle School representatives from Topeka USD 501 to work through the logistics of educating 2000+ students, staff, and coaches with our Askable Adult Campaign, Coaching Boys Into Men, Safe Dates, and HeaRT programs for 2024-2025
- Discussed collaborating in Topeka with Shawnee County Health Department Craig Barnes Division Manager
- Participated in a Town Hall Meeting panel with Haskell, DCCCA, HeadQuarters, and DGCO Behavioral Health on community prevention efforts, through Engage Douglas County
- Joined Eudora Library, Embrace Eudora, and Eudora High School for a Period Party
- Community Impact Announcement