Shared from Shannon VanLandingham on FaceBook - June 18, 2019
What Better way than to give tribute to Claire through putting words into action. "Miss V got the 'Most Helpful' award from the Aides at Day Camp last week. When I congratulated her, she shrugged like no big deal and said, 'Well, Grandma, ya know, #BeMoreLikeClaire.' She sure inherited her Aunt Claire's kind heart, work ethic, and giving spirit."
Kelsey Vint Memory on Facebook - July 13, 2020
"Troop 185 at our silver award ceremony in 2004. I've loved watching every young woman from this group grow into uniquely awesome women now entering our thirties!" Kelsy, shared a picture from the silver award ceremony in 2004, and recommended people from the current circle try to participate in the Give Back Bash as a way to reconnect in spirit of their memory of service and frienship. Ann Marie Neeley - January 3, 2024 Facebook Remembrance Post...
I had a friend named Claire VanLandingham, who was a bright light in this world. She was intelligent, kind, compassionate, empathic, beautiful, giving, silly, gracious, and an all-around good person. Five years ago (I can't believe it's been so long already) she was killed in an act of domestic violence. She did so much good in so little time and it hurts to miss out on what else she would have accomplished and done to help make this place better. I had hoped to help her get her baby latched one day. My heart breaks on this, the fifth anniversary of her death. Grief sucks and I miss her so much it hurts. Rest in love, dear Claire. I love you. |