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- We would love to hear how you're finding ways to work hard, be kind, and give back as you make the world a better place.
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- Mark your calendars for the Give Back Bash on July 1, 2022! Let us know here if you want to volunteer that night.
- Check out opportunities to join our board, or our legacy board!
- Learn about hosting a Facebook fundraiser here to support #BeMoreLikeClaire.
- Contact us if you are thinking of hosting a fundraiser, or if you have other ideas about how you would like to be involved.
- Like and share our Facebook page and use the hashtag #BeMoreLikeClaire so we can cheer you on.
NOTE: If you would like to plan an event, use Claire's name or the #BeMoreLikeClaire hashtag, contact us for permission.
To [volunteer] is to tell the truth about who I am. If I did not [volunteer], it would say that I was a person who had nothing to give, a person who received nothing from life. A person who did not matter to the larger society or whose life's meaning was in providing for his needs alone. But in fact, who I am is the opposite of all of these things. I am a person who has something to give. I am a person who has received abundantly from life. I am a person whose presence matters in the world, and I am a person whose life has meaning because I am connected to and care about many things larger than myself. If I did not [volunteer] I would lose track of these truths about who I am.
(Claire changed "tithe" to volunteer when she posted this on Facebook. The original quote is from a sermon by Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker.)
12 Ways to #BeMoreLikeClaire
Show up for the people in your life.
Be a bright spot in people's lives.
Have a conversation with someone whose life experience is different from yours. Listen.
Assume that others are doing the best they can. Do the best you can, too.
Advocate for access to health care in your community.
Organize a donation drive in your community.
Be good to the Earth.
Learn something that will help you help others.
Mentor a young person, lead a Scout troop, or coach a youth team.
Make good food and share it with others.
Give blood and be an organ donor.
Donate to #BeMoreLikeClaire or other non-profit.